Food Safety

The largest volume of activities in issues of food safety in the Czech Republic has been provided by the organisations within the Ministry of Agriculture and Ministry of Health. Further important partners are except government offices representatives of supervisory organisations, scientific committees and consumer organisations.

The Strategy to Assure Food Safety in the Czech Republic established the following key requirements for the pre-accession period: to complete harmonisation with EU legislation, to ensure a co-ordination of activities of central state authorities and competent authorities performing official control, to optimise the network of laboratories, scientific committees, to ensure intensive communication with consumers, development of a RASFF system and co-operation and co-ordination of activities with the EFSA.
In order to acquire aggregated data in time series there data are handed over to the application by organisations, which cooperate on the providing for the contaminants monitoring in food chains within the Ministry of Agriculture sector the Food Safety Department cooperates with the State Veterinary Administration of the Czech Republic, the Central Institute for Supervising and Testing in Agriculture, the State Agriculture and Food Inspection Authority and the State Phytosanitary Administration. The Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed (RASFF) is operated by the European Commission, the National Contact Point ensuring on behalf of the Czech Republic the exchange of information with the European Commission and the RASFF members has been established at the Czech Agricultural and Food Inspection Authority.

Food supplements - Rules for Marketing and Compliance with Reporting Duty

20. 1. 2015
Food business operator that produces or markets food supplements shall before they are first marketed, send the Ministry of Agriculture a Czech text of the designation, including mandatory information that will be specified on the product packaging. This reporting duty is in accordance with Section 3d, par. 1, subpar. b), Reporting Duty of Food Business Operator, of Act No. 110/1997 Coll., on food…

Public Consultation on the Draft Guidance on Submission for Food Additive Evaluations

23. 11. 2011
EFSA’s Panel on Food Additives and Nutrient Sources added to Food (ANS) has launched an open consultation on a draft guidance on submission for food additive evaluations. This document proposes guidance on the scientific data required for the safety evaluation of new food additives or new uses of authorised food additives, as well as additional information which might provide context for the risk…

Applications Helpdesk – Support for Scientific Evaluation of Regulated Products

7. 11. 2011
A growing part of EFSA’s work relates to the safety assessment of regulated products, substances and claims submitted for authorisation in the European Union (EU).

EFSA’s Workshop on Independence and Scientific Decision-Making Processes

11. 10. 2011
Explaining the rationale for the stakeholder event, EFSA’s Executive Director Catherine Geslain-Lanéelle, outlines “This debate is larger than EFSA but as a key EU provider of independent scientific advice, we recognise the need for these discussions and have taken the initiative to organise this event. It will give EFSA’s stakeholders a valuable opportunity to contribute to shaping our future…

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