The Conference on the Future of the Quality Policy of Agricultural Products and Foodstuffs will take place under the auspices of Mr Petr Gandalovič, the Minister of Agriculture, and Ms Mariann Fischer Boel, the Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development, and with the financial support of the European Commission, DG Agriculture and Rural Development, on the conference premises of Prague Marriott Hotel in Prague on 12th - 13th March 2009.


The agenda of the main panel and three collateral workshops is as follows:

  • Farming Requirements and Marketing Standards
  • EU Quality Schemes
  • Certification Schemes and Organic Farming

The agenda is based on the Green Paper issued by the European Commission in October 2008. More information about the document and EU Agricultural Quality Policy.


Conclusions of the Conference and the results of Green Paper public consultation will be used by the European Commission for the preparation and issue of the Communication on the Quality Policy scheduled for May 2009. The Communication could later result into draft amendments of legislation by the European Commission.

We expect that a deeper discussion may contribute to European Commission Communication preparation process as well as may be interesting for all participants at the Conference. The Conference might be a significant contribution of the Czech Presidency to the policy development and can contribute to the strengthening of the competitiveness of European products in the long term.

More information about the background of Quality Policy Conference.


Participants will include ministers of EU Member States and representatives of their offices and representatives of the European Commission, the European Parliament and other professional organizations dealing with the quality of agricultural produce. The Conference and the workshops will be interpreted from/to Czech, English, German, French, Italian and Spanish. The number of participants is estimated to 300; the programme will include the tasting of high-quality Czech food products.

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