With its accession to the European Union the Czech Republic opened the door to the possibility of using finances from EU funds. In the 2007 – 2013 programme period these were the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) and the European Fisheries Fund (EFF). In the current programme period 2014 – 2020, it is possible to realize activities financed from the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) and European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF).
Finances from the EAFRD are used to improve the competitiveness of the agriculture, food and forestry sectors and the development of rural areas. In the Czech Republic, projects incorporated into the Rural Development Programme of the Czech Republic are paid for through the EAFRD.
The European Fisheries Fund has replaced the FIFG fund in the 2007—2013 programme period, and it is a tool for the EU’s Common Fisheries Policy. The main aim of the fund is to ensure the sustainable development of European fisheries and aquaculture. The EFF supports projects designed to improve the competitiveness of the fisheries sector on the one hand and to protect and improve the environment on the other. These funds are important tools for the support of competitiveness in agriculture and fishing and for the diversification of economic activities in rural areas.
The predecessors of these funds between 2004 and 2006 (EAGGF and FIFG) were structural funds for the implementation of the European economic and social cohesion policy. Structural funds provide finances intended to reduce the economic and social differences between Member States and their regions. In the period before the accession of the Czech Republic to the EU, the SAPARD programme served as a tool enabling preparation for the proper drawing of EU funds.
On these pages you will find important documents and information relating to EU programmes that were and are supported by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic: Rural Development Programme, Operational Programme for Fisheries. In addition, in this section you will find legislation relating to the EU programmes mentioned above, documents and information on support for energy crops, cross-compliance control conditions and the common rules and conditions for direct support that can be obtained within the framework of national subsidies.