M06 Farm and business development

The aim of the measure is to help the generational renewal in agriculture and at the same time to facilitate the entry of sufficiently qualified farmers into the sector. The measure will be implemented through support for the implementation of business plans to start the activity of young farmers, where young farmers receive funding e.g. for agricultural structures, technologies, land, special mobile machines and for investment into processing their own products. Another aim is to facilitate diversification into non-agricultural activities and so stimulate the creation of jobs. For that purpose, support will be provided towards construction and technology investments in agricultural enterprises, leading to the expansion of activities into other areas in order to ensure a new source of income from non-agricultural activities. The typical options of diversification are rural tourism, processing of renewable energy sources, non-food use of the agricultural production, renewal of craft activities etc. Apart from the economic benefits for the grant beneficiaries, the support has a number of other positive factors for the rural areas - it enables safeguarding jobs and creating new jobs also for non-qualified workforce, it helps to sustain resources and enhance the economic potential of the region and, last but not least, it contributes to preserving or developing services in rural areas and so it stabilises the areas.

The measure is divided into four operations:

6.1.1 Business start up aid for young farmers

6.4.1 Investment into non-agricultural activities in rural areas

6.4.2 Agri-tourism support

6.4.3 Investment supporting energy from renewable sources

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