Central Institute for Supervising and Testing in Agriculture

The Institute performs the administration and carries out some other administrative activities, expert and testing tasks and control and monitoring activities in accordance with special acts in the areas of plant variety testing, feedingstuffs, agrochemical testing of soils, soils and plant nutrition, seeds and seedlings of the grown plants, perennial plants (viniculture and hops), protection against harmful organisms and plant protection.

Objectives and tools

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The specific objectives of the project

  1. To assess the status of SOM in the CZ/PL borderland.
  2. To prepare a guideline for the application of EOM on soil with respect to ecosystem services.
  3. To define the soil properties which influence transformation of EOM. To develop and describe a procedure how to use a set of methods for detection of acute and long-term effects of EOM on soil chemistry and biology with respect to properties of a given site.


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The assessment of the content of total organic matter and its labile and stable fractions in the Czech-Polish borderland is being performed using analysis of soil samples taken from 80 plots on arable land in spring 2013.
Two field experiments and a pot experiment are used for estimation of the effects of EOM on the content of different fractions of SOM and for evaluation how input of EOM affects soil physical characteristics. The field experiments enable evaluation of the influence of different local conditions on estimated endpoints. The aim of the pot experiment is to assess the interactions among soil physico-chemical properties and EOM transformation.

Soil samples for laboratory analyses are taken one month after the EOMs addition and shortly before the harvest. The analysis of risks related to EOM addition to soil will be based on the TRIAD approach which follows three lines of evidence: chemical, ecotoxicological and ecological. Nutrients, inorganic and organic pollutants are determined. The ecology is represented by soil microbiology (biomass, activity, diversity) and by soil fauna (edaphon, epigeon). The emission of GHG will be measured.
Six different EOMs will be tested during the project, the selection of EOMs is to be based on data about the amount and type of EOM produced in the project area.
The field and pot experiments will run during 2013-2014.

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Assessment of the current content of SOM in the CZ-PL borderland

Contact person: Radek Kaczynski (IUNG): rkaczynski@iung.pulawy.pl

Soil samples were collected in the spring of 2013. Plots for collecting soil samples where selected form historical locations used for soil monitoring in the periods of 1970-1980 (PL) and 2007 (the last sampling for CZ monitoring). Organic matter content is the most important soil parameter to be determined. In 2013, organic matter content in soil samples was analyzed with identical methods as previously, so that the analytical results are comparable. Resampling of the same parcel over a long period of time will give not only information about the current state of organic matter in the borderland, but also about trends of changes in SOM (Soil Organic Matter) content in order to assess SOM changes as dependent on soil properties, climate and land use. The potential changes might result from climate change , land use and organizational changes in agriculture (intensification or extensification of cultivation , changes in agricultural techniques). Effects of these factors are difficult to determine in a short period of time (1-5 years), but they would probably be visible in a longer time period. Assessment of labile SOM fractions in soils will provide additional information: the content and the ratio of labile fraction to the total SOM are considered as a parameter very sensitive to land use changes even in a relatively short period of time.

mapa 1

Map of plots sampled in spring 2013


Industrial compost, organic fertilizer produced by homogenization and composting materials containing degradable organic substances, including sludge.
Animal meal, organic fertilizer produced from animal by-products in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1069/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council
Organic fertilizer produced from manure (poultry litter, manure) and degradable organic substances during thermophilic aerobic fermentation (Puste Jakartice).
Waste from potato industry (production of fries). It consists of peelings, undersized fries, leftover, rinsed starch. All is processed in biogas plant, then dewatered (Braszowice).

Field experiments

Contact person: Michaela Smatanová (UKZUZ):michaela.smatanova@ukzuz.cz

The EOMs are tested at three doses which are related to N fertilization. The control is fertilized only with mineral fertilizer, the highest tested dose contains all applied N in EOM.

upravena mapka all


Basic soil properties

Puste Jakartice (CZ)
Braszowice (PL)
Soil type (FAO)
orthic luvisol
eutric cambisol
pH (H2O)
silty loam
C total

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Pot experiment

Contact person: Rafal Galazka (IUNG): rgalazka@iung.pulawy.pl

The EOMs are tested at two doses which are related to N fertilization. The control is fertilized only with mineral fertilizer, the highest tested dose contain all applied N in EOM.
The pot experiment is run by IUNG (Pulawy, PL).

Basic soil properties

Dlouhá Ves (CZ)
Nowa Wieś (PL)
Pastuchów (PL)
pH (H2O)
Silty clay
Sandy loam
Silty loam
C total
1.93 %
0.77 %
1.14 %

obrázek 12

Laboratory and field analyses

Hydrophobicity (water repellency)
Water retention curve
Pore size distribution
Strength parameters
Water infiltration
Particle size distribution (texture)
EOM, soil
EOM, soil
EOM, soil
Organic matter
Total C and N
Organic C
Cold and hot water soluble C
Basic soil properties
Hydrolytic acidity
Exchangeable acidity
Exchangeable cations (Ca, Mg, K, Na)
Electric conductivity
Inorganic elements
Nutrients (Ca, Mg, K, P; Mehlich 3)
Extractable metals
Macro and microelements, total content
Organic compounds
C, N
Short-term nitrification activity
t-RFLP (ammonia oxidising bacteria)
Functional diversity (Biolog)
Surface dwelling invertebrate communities 
Soil macroarthropod communities (heat extraction of soil samples)
Collembolans (Folsomia candida)
Enchytraeids (Enchytraeus crypticus)
Predatory mites (Hypoaspis aculeifer)
Contact test with Arthrobacter globiformis
Short-term nitrification activity
Plant test
Metal accumulation by earthworms under controlled pot study
Bacteria Vibrio fischeri
AlgaPseudokirchneriella subcapitata
Plant Lemna minor
GHG emission
N2O emission
CO2 emission (basal, substrate-induced respiration)

obrázek 13 obrázek 14 obrázek 15

obrázek 16 obrázek 17

Contact persons
Soil physics
Jerzy Lipiec (IAPAN): j.lipiec@ipan.lublin.pl 
Andrzej Bieganowski (IAPAN): a.bieganowski@ipan.lublin.pl 
  Inorganic chemistry
Rafal Galazka (IUNG): rgalazka@iung.pulawy.pl
Organic chemistry
Petra Kosubová (ÚKZÚZ): petra.kosubova@ukzuz.cz
  GHG emission from soil
Jiří Čuhel (UKZUZ): jiri.cuhel@ukzuz.cz
Soil microbiology
Ladislav Čáp (UPOL): ladislav.cap@upol.cz
Bořivoj Šarapatka (UPOL): borivoj.sarapatka@upol.cz
Magdalena Frąc (IAPAN): mfrac@ipan.lublin.pl 
Agata Gryta (IAPAN): a.gryta@ipan.lublin.pl 
Karolina Oszust (IAPAN): k.oszust@ipan.lublin.pl 
Małgorzata Brzezińska (IAPAN): m.brzezinska@ipan.lublin.pl

Ivan H. Tuf (UPOL):ivan.tuf@upol.cz


Martin Váňa (ÚKZÚZ): martin.vana@ukzuz.cz


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