Zonal evaluations of applications for PPP's in the CZ - general information
The purpose of this information is to highlight that the Czech Republic follows the procedures as foreseen by the new EU guidance documents.
Two EU Guidance Documents have been noted which outline the process for intra and inter-zonal work-sharing and the submission format of such applications to all MS that apply at the EU level. These are available on the Commission website:
- Guidance document on a process for intra & inter-zonal work-sharing to facilitate the registration and re-registration of plant protection products following inclusion of an active substance in Annex I of council directive 91/414/EEC (SANCO/6896/2009).
- Guidance document on the presentation and evaluation of dossiers according to annex III of Directive 91/414/EEC in the format of a (draft) Registration Report (SANCO/6895/2009).
The purpose of this information sheet is to highlight that The Czech Republic follows the procedures as foreseen by these new guidance documents noting the following key issues:
- The procedures in SANCO/6896/2009 apply from 02 October 2010 and require notification of your intention to apply at least six months before application submission to enable MS to determine the workload and allocate the ZRMS. This procedure should be followed from now on.
- You can use the dRR submission format detailed in SANCO6895/2009 from now, but there is no need to retrospectively submit a dRR for applications prepared with the old style registration report or Annex III dossier format. From 02 October 2010 the dRR submission format will be a requirement for all MS.
30. 3. 2021