Section of Seed, Planting Materials and Plant Health
Michal Hnízdil
(Director of the Section)
Tel.: +420 235 010 303, +420 545 110 467
Mobile: +420 773 743 901
Postal address:
Ztracená 1099/10
16100 Praha 6
The Czech Republic
Division of Seed and Planting Materials
Barbora Dobiášová
(Director of the division)
Tel.: +420 257 294 246
Mobile: +420 737 267 302
Postal address:
Za Opravnou 4
150 06 Praha 5
The Czech Republic
Department for International certification and legislation
Monika Rubešová
(Head of the department)
Tel.: +420 257 294 299
Mobile: +420 737 267 308
Nevena Prokešová
Mobile: +420 737 267 377
Postal address:
Za Opravnou 4
150 06 Praha 5
The Czech Republic
Department for propagating material of fruit species, vine, hops and ornamental species
Petr Boleloucký
(Head of the department)
Tel.: +420 543 548 230
Mobile: +420 737 267 011
Postal address:
Hroznová 63/2
603 00 Brno
The Czech Republic